A Two Sided Story – Mine-Affected Communities tell their Stories of Destruction and Death outside Honduras’ “First International Mining Congress”

A Two Sided Story – Mine-Affected Communities tell their Stories of Destruction and Death outside Honduras’ “First International Mining Congress”

19th July 2015

Honduras in Protest – Movements Align Against Corruption and Exploitation

While Honduras rocks from a wave of protest against the corruption rife within his government and its business links, last week president Juan Orlando Hernández proudly hosted the “First International Mining Congress in Honduras”.

The Largest Antorchas March Against Corruption so far, and the Struggle Continues – Please Act to Support Honduras’ Demands for Justice

The Largest Antorchas March Against Corruption so far, and the Struggle Continues – Please Act to Support Honduras’ Demands for Justice

Sunday 28th June 2015, Tegucigalpa, Honduras


ENCA has now started an online petition to make it easier for UK residents press our government to support Honduras’s people. Please go to this petition and sign now, and use the links there to spread it further with email, Facebook and Twitter!

Las Antorchas protestas masivas y en Huelga de Hambre – Honduras exige el fin de la corrupción

Las Antorchas protestas masivas y en Huelga de Hambre – Honduras exige el fin de la corrupción

25 junio 2015, Tegucigalpa, Honduras

He estado en Honduras durante 1 semana, sobre todo en zonas rurales de Honduras aprendiendo sobre luchas por los derechos indígenas de COPINH. Hoy, sin embargo estoy en la capital, Tegucigalpa, a donde COPINH ha enviado una delegación a unirse a una movimiento de protesta que se crece, se llama las “Antorchas”.